Netflix officially announced that the Magic: The Gathering animated series has begun production. The series will be produced by showrunner Terry Matalas, who previously produced Star Trek: Picard, Nikita, Terra Nova, and Star Trek: Enterprise.
The news broke earlier today on Netflix’s official X account. See the post below:
As we can see in the official post, there is a picture of the iconic MTG character Ajani Goldmane and another character that appears to resemble Chandra Nalaar.
The news of the MTG series comes as a surprise to the MTG community, as the series was presumed cancelled a few weeks ago when Brandon Routh, the voice actor for Gideon in the series, said the show was cancelled in an interview with Collider. Routh’s exact words were:
As far as I understand, nobody’s put out a press release about it, but apparently it’s not happening. That’s kind of old news. I’m not sure why it’s surfacing again.
Brandon Routh via collider
Routh’s words on the series were the first update in years. The series has undergone a tumultuous past with various showrunners exiting, such as the Russo Brothers, who were originally pegged to produce the series.
The previous incarnation of the animated series was supposed to revolve around Gideon Jura, but with Ajani and Chandra in the new promotional image from Netflix, that’s now in question as well.
What will the show be about, and who will the voice cast be? So far, nobody knows, and no release date has been set.
MTG Insider will continue to report on the series as new information becomes available. Stay tuned for updates!
READ MORE: Marvel x Magic: The Gathering Sneak Peak Coming to NYCC