Our commitment is to deliver headlines with 100% accuracy, employing a thorough vetting process for every news article featured on our platform. We distinguish between rumors, insider reports, and confirmed information to ensure clarity for our readers.
Before drafting any article, we meticulously verify the freshness and accuracy of the information. Our process involves confirming sources and delving into primary sources as well as referencing supplementary materials when applicable, before beginning the writing process.
We avoid clickbait tactics, and although our headlines may be striking, they are always grounded in accuracy and meticulously fact-checked. At MTG Insider, our articles not only relay news but also offer industry-leading context to educate its significance to our audience.
MTG Insider was founded with authority in the news industry, especially MTG, and we ensure that each article contains the most current and accurate information, along with all pertinent details. When we serve as the primary source, we adhere to fundamental journalistic principles.