Treasure decks are getting significant upgrades thanks to a focus on the mechanic in Outlaws of Thunder Junction. Abilities such as generating a Treasure every turn, X spells that generate Treasure, and Treasure win condition Commanders like you have never seen before have been revealed.
These new Treasure cards are featured not only in the Outlaws of Thunder Junction main set, but appear in the Commander precons as well as the Big Score epilogue cards.
Without further adieu, and in no particular order, here are the 12 Best New Treasure Cards from Outlaws of Thunder Junction:
1. Vihaan, Goldwaker

First, and arguably the best (if not the coolest) of the new Treasure cards, is Vihaan, Goldwater. This card is absolutely nuts in a Treasure deck. Not only can it be your Commander, but it turns your Treasures into a win-con.
Oh, and in case you missed it, those Treasures are “Assassin’s”, which means Vihaan gives them all vigilance and haste.
While the “end of turn” clause may seem like a downside, it helps your Treasures dodge sorcery speed board wipes, so in many cases, it is a big upside.
Where to find it: Most Wanted Commander Precon Deck
2. Generous Plunderer

There are very few cards that create Treasure tokens every turn and Generous Plunderer is one of them. If you drop this turn 2, you might be netting 5 Treasures before the game ends. Not a bad rate at all.
Don’t write off Generous Plunderer’s second ability. In a Commander game, it’s not uncommon for one of your opponents to have a handful of artifacts in play in addition to the Treasures you have been giving them. The damage ability is an attack trigger, so it doesn’t even matter if it is blocked.
Where to find it: Outlaws of Thunder Junction Booster Packs in “The List” Slot
3. Goldvein Hydra

Need a big stompy creature to cast with all your Treasures? Why not play Goldvein Hydra. When it dies, you just get all that mana spent back as Treasures (minus one).
You can also use pump spells as soon as it is about to die to increase the number of Treasure tokens you control. Nice.
Did it really need vigilance, trample, and haste to be a good card? Probably not, but with everything put together it is one of most epic ways to smash face in a Treasure deck.
Where to find it: Outlaws of Thunder Junction Main Set
4. Hell to Pay

The first card I thought of when Hell to Pay was spoiled is Stuffy Doll. It just ends up as a Fireball to an Opponent’s face (minus one) and you end up with that many Treasure tokens.
Oftentimes, an X spell that generates X Treasures is a pretty solid card on its own. Especially when you only need 10 Treasures to win with a card like Revel in Riches. The removal is mostly a bonus here.
Where to find it: Outlaws of Thunder Junction Main Set
5. Gold Rush

Gold Rush can just knock an opponent out of nowhere in Commander. All you need is about 6-7 Treasures in play at the time you cast it to make your Commander a lethal Commander Damage threat. This card being instant speed is just dirty.
Where to find it: Outlaws of Thunder Junction Main Set
6. Magda, the Hoardmaster

In true Magda fashion, the Hoardmaster is both a Treasure generator and a Treasure win-con, making it an ideal card for many builds.
Enabling Magda will take a little bit of work. To get token generation from it, you’ll need a deck that has a fair amount of interaction, although creating 4/4 Dragons is worthy in its own right.
Where to find it: Outlaws of Thunder Junction Main Set
7. Sword of Wealth and Power

It turns out, the Sword cycle wasn’t complete after all. Protection from instants and sorceries is arguably the strongest of the swords; however, it doesn’t let you push through damage unblocked vs any color.
While this isn’t going to create a ton of Treasure tokens, it can create one a turn and duplicate your next big Treasure spell.
Where to find it: Outlaws of Thunder Junction Booster Packs in “The List” Slot
8. Olivia, Opulent Outlaw

Olivia is the face Commander of the new Most Wanted Commander precon. She is only able to create 1 Treasure token per combat as the wording reads, “whenever one or more”.
Olivia gets better if you are taking extra-combat steps or giving your creatures double strike. This synergies well with her second ability that puts counters on each creature you control.
Where to find it: Most Wanted Commander Precon Deck
9. Cataclysmic Prospecting

If you’re looking for a board wipe, are willing to run deserts, and care about Treasures, Cataclysmic Prospecting is the card for you. Nuff said.
Where to find it: Desert Bloom Commander Precon Deck
10. Great Train Heist

Great Train Heist can net you one Treasure for every unblocked attacking creature you control. Use this after your opponent has declared blockers and the coast is clear.
Thanks to the Spree ability there is quite a bit of value to be had here. Getting an extra combat step for 3 more mana is no joke, and neither is first strike. Imagine using this card in combination with Vihaan, Goldwaker for some real shenanigans.
Where to find it: Outlaws of Thunder Junction Main Set
11. Luxurious Locomotive

If you are a go-wide deck, Luxurious Locomotive can create a trove of Treasures. While other Treasure enablers may require you to attack with all of your creatures to get value, Locomotive only requires itself to attack.
Luxurious Locomotive’s Crew 1 ability reads “tap any number of creatures you control with total power 1 or more”. So yes, you can crew with everything. Just keep in mind once you decide to crew, you can’t crew it again that turn.
If you want to bring out the best of Luxurious Locomotive, pair it with Isshin, Two Heavens as One to double the attack trigger.
Where to find it: Outlaws of Thunder Junction Main Set
12. Vraska, the Silencer

Got to love Vraska turning enemies into Treasures. This Commander is reminiscent of Shelob, child of Ungoliant with a few distinct differences. Mainly costing 3 mana less.
And yes, if an opponent decides to send their Commander to the Command Zone, you won’t get it on your side as a Treasure.
That’s it for our list of the 12 Best New Treasure cards from Outlaws of Thunder Junction! What is your favorite Treasure card from the set? Leave us a comment on our socials to let us know.
Also Read: 10 Best Commander Cards in Outlaws of Thunder Junction